A building site plan that will affect any trees should include the following features:
A tree survey identifying the size, species, and location of all hardwoods of 6 inch or larger diameter at breast height (DBH) and all pines of 12 inch DBH or larger. (However, please note that all trees with a DBH of 6 inches or more need a permit to be removed, including pines.)
Trees to be saved and trees to be destroyed or impacted.
Identification of “boundary trees” on adjacent properties.
Topography at two-foot contour intervals.
Existing and proposed structures, including driveways and parking areas, water detention ponds, utilities, material staging areas, and all areas requiring cut or fill.
Identification of the root save area (critical root zone), along with a calculation of the percentage of the area to be impacted by construction.
Location of tree protection fences.
A proposed tree replacement plan, as well as the manner that the newly planted trees will be watered. A paid maintenance contract may be required.
If a construction limit line is established on the plan it must also be established by a tree protection fence on site, beyond which no activity is allowable [Sec. 158-105(a)(b)]